
Quantum Theory is the newest adventure from Tecmo Koei for the Xbox 360 and PS3 and we have copies to give gone to some of our awesome community members!

Galore years have passed since the world war inflicted catastrophic damage on the human race, leaving only few survivors. In their new community "Cocoon," life has been threatened by a disastrous material called Erosion, creating a post-apocalyptic environment. Surviving humanity recruit a militia to conquer the Erosion and set out to take down the evil "Living Tower." Arriving at the fit is the stalwart warrior Syd, whose only intentions are to ruin the Tower. He meets the beautiful and mysterious Fillena as they some rise to the top in their look for answers.

In this hyper-sincere action-shooter game, players experience Syd and Filena's adventurous rising through a treacherous tower, presented in an art-nouveau style world that is along the verge of becoming post-apocalyptic, which merges the beauty of organic motifs with technology and action-packed gameplay.

We are giving you, members of The Escapist biotic community the chance to win a copy of Quantum Possibility for the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3. To ascertain how to take part, click Hera and good portio!

Please line you moldiness sleep in the U.S.A and be at least 18 geezerhood of age to participate.